our bone s milk coal

02.12.2023 – 04.02.2024
Eröffnung am 01.12.2023, ab 19 Uhr


Won Cha beschreibt seine Werke als gleichzeitig innerhalb einer „site“ existierend und diese konstituierend. Wie die in verschiedenen Städten, Räumen und Archiven gesammelten Symbole, die in Chas Installationen auftauchen und sich verändern, sind auch die sites des Künstlers vielgestaltig. Man hat das Gefühl, dass der Ort fortwährend aufgebaut und wieder dekonstruiert wurde, dass er gereist ist und dabei Spuren angesammelt hat, welche die Form und Textur jeder Inkarnation verändern.

„our bone s milk coal“ ist eine Einführung in eine dreiteilige Reihe von sites, welche im Dialog mit der Geschichte koreanischer Wanderarbeiter stehen, die in den 1960er Jahren in den Kohlebergwerken des Ruhrgebiets arbeiteten. Indem er mit Fragmentierung und Reportage arbeitet, versucht Cha, die vielen lebendigen Vergangenheiten, die Risse nationaler Erzählungen und die eindringlichen Familiengeschichten dieser Zeit, welche als Spuren in Archivmaterialien existieren, zum sprechen zu bringen. Um die Echos von Wünschen, Kämpfen, Sehnsüchten und Liebe außerhalb der Grenzen historischer Besonderheiten zu verweben, greift Cha auch auf seine persönliche Erfahrungen mit Einwanderung und Wanderarbeit zurück.

Won Cha lebt und arbeitet in und außerhalb der USA. Er hatte Einzelausstellungen bei LC Queisser, Tiflis, und nahm an mehreren internationalen Gruppenausstellungen teil. „our bone’s milk coal“ ist seine erste institutionelle Einzelausstellung in Europa.

Won Cha describes his works as simultaneously existing within and constituting a “site.” Like the symbols collected from various cities, spaces, and archives that appear and transform across Cha’s installations, the artist’s sites are protean. There is a sense that the site has been constructed and deconstructed time and again that the site has traveled, picking up traces along the way that change the shape and texture of each incarnation.

"our bone s milk coal" is an introduction to a three part series of "sites" in dialogue with histories of migrant Korean laborers working in the coal mines of the Ruhr Valley in the 1960’s. Working with fragmentation and reassembly, Cha seeks to speak too many living pasts existing as traces within archival materials, the cracks of national narratives, and the haunting of familial stories of this time. Cha also draws from personal experiences of immigration and migrant labor to weave together the echoing of desires, struggles, longing, and love outside the limitations of historic specificity.

Won Cha lives and works in the U.S. and abroad. He had solo exhibitions at LC Queisser, Tbilisi, and took part in several international group shows. "our bone s milk coal“ is his first institutional solo exhibition in Europe.

Won Cha describes his works as simultaneously existing within and constituting a “site.” Like the symbols collected from various cities, spaces, and archives that appear and transform across Cha’s installations, the artist’s sites are protean. There is a sense that the site has been constructed and deconstructed time and again that the site has traveled, picking up traces along the way that change the shape and texture of each incarnation.

"our bone s milk coal" is an introduction to a three part series of "sites" in dialogue with histories of migrant Korean laborers working in the coal mines of the Ruhr Valley in the 1960’s. Working with fragmentation and reassembly, Cha seeks to speak too many living pasts existing as traces within archival materials, the cracks of national narratives, and the haunting of familial stories of this time. Cha also draws from personal experiences of immigration and migrant labor to weave together the echoing of desires, struggles, longing, and love outside the limitations of historic specificity.

Won Cha lives and works in the U.S. and abroad. He had solo exhibitions at LC Queisser, Tbilisi, and took part in several international group shows. "our bone s milk coal“ is his first institutional solo exhibition in Europe.

 Won Cha ist einer von zwei aktuellen Residents der Neue Folkwang Residence, einer Kooperation von Museum Folkwang und Neuer Essener Kunstverein, ermöglicht durch den Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V. und die Stiftung Olbricht, gefördert von:

Won Cha ist einer von zwei aktuellen Residents der Neue Folkwang Residence, einer Kooperation von Museum Folkwang und Neuer Essener Kunstverein, ermöglicht durch den Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V. und die Stiftung Olbricht, gefördert von:

Won Cha ist einer von zwei aktuellen Residents der Neue Folkwang Residence, einer Kooperation von Museum Folkwang und Neuer Essener Kunstverein, ermöglicht durch den Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V. und die Stiftung Olbricht, gefördert von:

Won Cha is one of two current residents of Neue Folkwang Residence,
a cooperation between Museum Folkwang and Neuer Essener Kunstverein, made possible by the Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V.
and the Olbricht Foundation, sponsored by:  

Won Cha is one of two current residents of Neue Folkwang Residence,  a cooperation between Museum Folkwang and Neuer Essener Kunstverein, made possible by the Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V. and the Olbricht Foundation, sponsored by:  

Won Cha is one of two current residents of Neue Folkwang Residence, a cooperation between Museum Folkwang and Neuer Essener Kunstverein, made possible by the Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V. and the Olbricht Foundation, sponsored by:  

Won Cha is one of two current residents of Neue Folkwang Residence, a cooperation between Museum Folkwang and Neuer Essener Kunstverein, made possible by the Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V. and the Olbricht Foundation, sponsored by:  

Won Cha is one of two current residents of Neue Folkwang Residence, a cooperation between Museum Folkwang and Neuer Essener Kunstverein, made possible by the Folkwang-Museumsverein e. V.
and the Olbricht Foundation, sponsored by:  


All images © copyright and courtesy of the artist